Published: February 7, 2019


The project idea envisages the collection of data relevant for planning energy efficiency projects (geothermal energy sources, public infrastructure, and critical infrastructure), data processing and georeferencing as well as presenting the data on the GIS portal of the City of Kraljevo. The project plans to provide interactive access to the database – all interested parties will be able to access information about existing resources with related capacities, and about the risks to the critical infrastructure. The database will serve as the basis for future investments into conventional heating systems, efficient planning and decision-making concerning issues of importance for the reduction of GHG emissions, energy efficiency, obtaining and applying renewable (geothermal) energy sources, timely interventions and investments in critical infrastructure, as well as for the planning a response system to protect and save lives and property in emergencies and natural disasters. Also, the project idea envisages the development of an adequate form and guidelines for sharing data.

Published: February 7, 2019

Lead implementing agency

The City of Kraljevo