Published: February 7, 2019


The project idea is to promote renewable energy sources by developing an interactive map with a solar calculator and by raising the awareness of citizens and the local government about the importance, the potentials, the underutilization and the advantages of using solar energy.

The solar energy potential of specified sites will be calculated to find out how much solar energy can be generated at an annual level in kilowatt hours (kWh) and quantify its value in money, so that users can compare this with current electricity consumption and related annual household expenses. A database will be set up to monitor electricity, energy products and water consumption of buildings. Data on reduction of carbon emissions will also be shown. The database and the interactive solar map and calculator will be continuously upgraded in the future and updated with calculators and maps for other renewable energy sources. This application will not only be of interest to households, but also to the industry, large companies, catering enterprises and hotels.

Published: February 7, 2019

Lead implementing agency

The Municipality of Krupanj


Activism Centre, Belgrade