The Ministry of Environmental Protection and United Nations Development Programme UNDP, with the support of the Global Environment Facility, are implementing the Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge (CSUD) project.

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Innovation Challenge

BioWaste Challenge


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Six innovative bio-waste management ideas received financial support

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The Ministry of Environmental Protection and United Nations Development Programme UNDP, with the support of the Global Environment Facility, are implementing the Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge (CSUD) project. We are inviting local self-governments, public and private companies, civil society organizations, research and academic institutions, and individuals to jointly come up with innovative ideas for decreasing the emission of the greenhouse gases (GHG) and to fight climate change. By helping turn these ideas to reality, we aim to create climate resilient local communities throughout Serbia.
CSUD project launches two challenges, calling for innovative ideas on how to contribute in a practical manner to GHG emission reduction and climate change resilience, and to develop, finance and implement these ideas.


Innovation platform

Mature projects

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Projects in development

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