
  • Develop new products with the help of green innovation vouchers!

    Representatives of the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), who are implementing the project “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge” together with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the support of the Global Environment Facility, have attended the March 13th Award Ceremony where EBRD’s (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) green innovation vouchers were awarded. Over 70 companies submitted their applications during the first call while the second call will be open to companies from March 13 to April 30 this year.

    Green innovation vouchers, aimed toward the development of “green technologies” and strengthening the partnership between science and industry, were granted to ten Serbian companies from various fields of industry. The total value of the green vouchers is EUR 150,000.00 and their purpose is to cover 90 % of the companies’ costs incurred during the research and development of new products. With the help of the green innovation vouchers, small and medium-sized enterprises are given the opportunity to hire scientists from different faculties and institutes who will assist in the development of new products.

    The Minister of Environmental Protection Goran Trivan, the Minister of Innovations and Technological Development Nenad Popović, the Director of EBRD in Serbia Daniel Berg and the Director of the EBRD’s Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Team Terry McCallion all addressed the attendants of the Green Innovation Vouchers’ Award Ceremony.

  • The Generator Fluo Contest for the best student innovation – win a trip to Paris

    Societe Generale Bank has organized a contest called Generator Fluo which is open to students of all faculties in Serbia who wish to submit their business ideas. The main prize is a 7-day trip to the Technology Hub of Societe Generale Group in Paris, the final deadline for applying to the contest is April 09.

    The Generator Fluo Contest is open to all students, whether as individuals or as teams of up to three, who are studying in Serbia and are between 18 and 27 years old, with a desire to start a new or improve an existing business idea, regardless of the business activity. An expert jury will assess the innovativeness and the feasibility of the students’ projects and choose the best 40 who will develop a business plan with the help of an advisor. Ten finalists will advance to the last round of the contest and their projects will be featured on the website The winner will be announced before the jury, media, businesspersons and investors on May 31.

    Societe Generale Bank was the last year’s organizer of the contest Generator which awarded a million dinars to the best business innovation. This year’s contest Generator Fluo is endorsed by the Digital Serbia Initiative and the French Institute in Serbia, the European Youth Center and almost 70 faculties, universities and student organizations.


    The Office of the United Nations Development Programme in Belgrade, Serbia, in direct cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and with the financial support of Global Environment Facility (GEF), has officially Launched Public calls under the Open Data Challenge and Innovation Challenge, within the “Climate Smart Urban Development” project.


    The two challenges represent a pioneering attempt to establish a market for innovations in the field of climate change in the Republic of Serbia and to provide all interested stakeholders with the platform for joint action – from those who offer solutions to those that need these solutions to deal with local problems and plan future development. The challenges are expected to generate innovative solutions to address the impact of climate change, which can be financed independently or through a partnership between local governments, donors, industry, civil society organizations and other stakeholders.


    Public calls are open for both challenges: Open Data Challenge and Innovation Challenge.

    Open Data Challenge is a public call/challenge for proposing innovative and cost-efficient ideas/solutions for simple and user-friendly public access to city/municipal climate change-related data, and for improving the management of this data. Application deadline is 28 February 2018.


    Innovation Challenge is a public call/challenge for proposing innovative and cost-effective ideas for reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission created by public services and facilities, while simultaneously providing social, economic and environmental benefits for the community and its citizens. Additional call for individuals will be open on 15 December 2018. Application deadline is 31 January 2018.

  • Sharing gets you further

    On Tuesday, September 19th, a “Sharing gets you further” conference was organized, in the context of celebration of the EU Mobility Week 2017, and within the framework of the “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge” (CSUD) project, implemented by the Ministry of Environmental protection, with UNDP support.

    At the premises of the EU Info Center in Belgrade, representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, the Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities, and UNDP emphasized the importance of development and implementation of measures that reduce the negative effects of transport on health and the environment, especially in the urban areas. Participants agreed that even though the transport sector is one of the significant contributors to the greenhouse gas (GHG) and other harmful substance emissions, it also has significant potential for environmental protection and the fight against climate change, as well as for the improvement of human health, and for the economic development of local communities through the opening of new jobs and attracting investment.

    In this regard, the participants emphasized the necessity to introduce and further spread alternative, non-motorized methods of transportation, specifying, in particular, cycling as a very simple and all-available way of transport. At the same time, the need for adequate traffic planning was emphasized, including the construction of infrastructure adapted to the needs of cyclists and pedestrians, along with the raising awareness of all traffic participants, and the development of adequate safety and security policies. At the conference, representatives of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Krusevac presented the best practice examples from their cities, while the founders of the start-up “Ono bikes” and CarGo mobile app spoke about the application of technological innovations in urban mobility.

    It was concluded that the development of sustainable and climate-resistant cities and municipalities requires a multi-sectoral approach, and that the development of sustainable transport is a good example, since transport improves the quality of life, enables economic growth and development, and, on the other hand, has significant potential for protecting the environment and human health.

    From the perspective of the “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge” project, conference participants and the public were invited to take part in a unique “challenge”, and use any alternative mode of transport on September 22, when going to and from the workplace, other than individual vehicles. In this way, they will be able to personally contribute to the development of a sustainable and healthier local community, and climate change resilient at the same time.

  • European Mobility Week 2017!

    In the context of celebration of the EU Mobility Week 2017, and within the framework of the “Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge” (CSUD) project implemented by the Ministry of Environmental protection with UNDP support, the two events will be held on 22nd of September – World Car Free Day. We are inviting you to take part in the “Just not by Car (Samo ne autom)” challenge, an initiative organized with CSO cyclist association, and in the Promotional Bicycle Ride organized in cooperation with the Secretariat for Transport of the City of Belgrade. The other project partners, including the EU Delegation / EU Info Center, are also expected to join the events.

    Additionally, these activities, as well as the CSUD Project goals, will be presented within the Conference “Sharing gets you further”, organized by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, the EU Info Centre and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at the EU Info Center in Belgrade.

    The challenge “Just not by Car” will take place throughout the 22nd of September. This is a challenge for companies, institutions and organizations to motivate their employees to use non-motorized transportation means (preferably bicycles) on their way from home to work. You can find more information on registration (Deadline: September 20, 2017) and participation process here.


    The promotional bicycle ride will take place at 11 a.m. on 22nd of September in front of the Sports Center “Milan Gale Muskatirovic” near Danube and will end at Savska promenade. It is expected that the Secretary for Transport of the City of Belgrade as well as high level representatives of UNDP and other partners, will joint this ride, in order to support non-motorized modes of transport for the sake of preserving the environment, improving health and combating climate change.


    If you would like to join us and apply for the promotional bicycle ride (Deadline: September 21, 2017), you may do so via email to:


    Both activities are being conducted under the framework of the project „Climate Smart Urban Development Challenge“, implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection with the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme.  The project is based on challenges for identification of innovative ideas and solutions for combating climate change at municipal level.